In their latest attack on voting rights, Democrats are attempting to remove Cornel West from the Michigan ballot due to notarial formalities

In their latest attack on voting rights, Democrats are attempting to remove Cornel West from the Michigan ballot due to notarial formalities

On Friday, the Michigan Bureau of Elections voted to disqualify independent presidential candidate Dr. Cornel West and his running mate Melina Abdullah from the November presidential election due to alleged violations related to problems with West’s campaign materials.

Cornel West at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. (Photo by Gage Skidmore / CC BY-SA 2.0)

Democratic leaders are trying to remove the West Abdullah campaign from the ballot despite the fact that it submitted nearly 30,000 signatures, more than twice the number needed to appear on the ballot in the state of Michigan. In fact, none of the issues cited by the office have anything to do with collecting signatures or submitting false, fraudulent or untrue information.

In an August 16 letter to the West campaign, Jonathan Brater, chief of elections at the U.S. Department of State, wrote that the department was “legally obligated to disqualify West” based on a “verification of the affidavit of identity” that the West campaign submitted to the department on June 17, 2024.

According to the letter, the West campaign submitted an affidavit of identity that was notarized by Dana L. Manning, “an official in the State of Colorado.” However, the Michigan Bureau of Elections claimed that “Dana L. Manning’s attempted authentication” was “inconsistent with Colorado law on at least four counts.”

The alleged points in the affidavit include:

  • the document contains “unfilled gaps”,
  • the certificate allegedly “does not indicate which notarial act was carried out”,
  • the document allegedly did not contain the notary’s “official title”
  • and the “notary’s stamp was on a separate sheet of paper and was not attached to the notary’s certificate.”

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