7 people arrested in Tamil Nadu for trying to cover up rape of eighth-grade girl | Chennai News

7 people arrested in Tamil Nadu for trying to cover up rape of eighth-grade girl | Chennai News

7 people arrested in Tamil Nadu for trying to cover up rape of eighth-grade girl

KRISHNAGIRI: A private school correspondent, Rectorand five more were from the Bargur Police on Sunday for attempting to stop the rape of a 13-year-old eighth-grade student by a NCC OfficialThe police are looking for the man. Sivaraman30, and another NCC Officer.
P Thangadurai, Krishnagiri police commissioner, said the rape occurred during a recent week-long NCC camp during which 17 girls spent the nights in the school auditorium.
“Sivaraman lured the girl outside on the night of August 8 and sexually abused her,” the SP said.
The school principal asked the underage girl to be quiet during the camp
When the girl told the director about the incident, he urged her to remain silent. After the camp ended, the girl returned home, but her health deteriorated and during a hospital visit on August 16, she told her parents what had happened.
The parents reported the incident to the Bargur Police found that Sivaraman had allegedly sexually harassed other girls in the camp. According to SP, Sivaraman and another NCC official, Sudhakar, escaped arrest while the school correspondent, the school principal, a social studies teacher and four NCC officials were arrested for covering up the matter.
Sivaraman was the Name Tamil Katchi District secretary of NTK youth wing Krishnagiri East. After the crime came to light, NTK leader Seeman expelled him from the party on Saturday evening.

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