West Seattle Blog… | WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Summer storm, round 2, with power outages, Alki water rescue deployed

West Seattle Blog… | WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Summer storm, round 2, with power outages, Alki water rescue deployed

16:39: No weather warnings yet, but the winds have picked up a lot in the last few minutes and radar is showing another storm band heading our way. Lights are flickering too. Keep everything charged and stay safe! If you have any downed trees or anything else to report, let us know as well once you’ve notified the authorities (206-293-6302 Text or speech) – Thank you!

16:42: It’s not on the map yet, but we’re getting outage reports from Riverview. … Here’s the outage extending south to White Center and South Park:

West Seattle Blog… | WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Summer storm, round 2, with power outages, Alki water rescue deployed

16:50: There is a report of a downed tree on Seola Beach Road. A citywide dispatcher just stated, “We are getting a LOT of calls right now about downed trees and wires.”

16:59: At least one downed tree was reported in the Myers/Olson area at the eastern end of the Roxbury Corridor.

17:02: There is now a water rescue operation in the 1200 block of Alki Avenue SW. Erin, who made the 911 call, tells WSB it was a “kayaker in distress” who was trying to flag down a passing boat. She observed that there were tons of whitecaps as the huge gust of wind blew through the area.

17:16: Emergency crews have not found anyone in distress so far. Repairs to the outage could take a while, as SCL has more than 26,000 customers without power in its service area. As for the weather itself, it looks like the rain shown on radar has passed us by.

17:21: Alki’s water rescue operation has now been officially cancelled.

17:38: Commentators in Morgan Junction spoke of a loud “explosion.” The SCL map now shows a power outage for 27 customers between Graham, Fauntleroy, 41st and 42nd. … From Gatewood, Paul sent this photo:

Paul reports, “On 36th, just north of Othello. Came down during a storm. Everyone jumped in to help clean up. Some damage to the vehicle.”

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