HOH Comp & Noms Episode – Big Brother Network

HOH Comp & Noms Episode – Big Brother Network

Big Brother logo for BB26HOH Comp & Noms Episode – Big Brother Network

There’s more Big Brother tonight as the houseguests will compete in the HOH competition “The Wall Endurance” and at the end of the evening the nominations for Week 5 of Big Brother 26 will be decided.

Previously, CBS has scheduled this show for 9/8c, but last week it was delayed 90 minutes due to sporting events before it finally aired. We’ll be watching for it this week as well.

The Endurance Contest lasted less than an hour, well, much less than an hour, and we didn’t even get to see how the final two HGs’ battle was decided on the feeds, so there’s plenty to see in that regard tonight.

Houseguests face the wall at Big Brother - CBSHouseguests face the wall at Big Brother - CBS
Houseguests face the wall at Big Brother – CBS

Nominations for the new HOH were pretty straightforward and there are still three names to be announced. HGs were hoping that with the end of the upgrade powers, the arena and 3 nominations would also end, but they had no luck.

Meanwhile, voting on the AI ​​Instigator will continue throughout the rest of Week 5, and we’ll find out who gets that power at the start of Week 6.

Can’t wait until tonight’s show to find out what happened since Thursday? Check out our spoiler board for all the latest in the house.

We’ll be back here for the episode “HOH & Noms,” so tune in at 9 p.m. ET and we’ll see what Big Brother has in store for us.

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