Winterport Explore Girl Scouts: New Member Information and Registration Event

Winterport Explore Girl Scouts: New Member Information and Registration Event

You’re invited to come see for yourself what Girl Scouts has to offer! Come try a FREE Girl Scout activity with one of our many badges. In Girl Scouts, she can be herself, have fun with friends, and change the world – all in an inclusive, girl-led environment.

When we say Girl Scouts is girl-led, we mean it from the start! Girls have a say in which badges and activities they want to try, shaping their experiences and learning to work with others.

With that in mind, we want to hear from your girl! Which of the following activities would she most like to try at our event? Please join the discussion/comments on the event!

1. Make a bracelet with a secret code and learn about binary coding. (Link to badge: Cybersecurity)
2. Put together a personal first aid kit for when you are on the go. (Link to badge: First Aid)
3. Explore the stars and create your own constellation (Link to badge: Space Science)
4. Learn to tie knots and use them for projects (Link to Badge: Buddy Camper and Outdoor Adventure)
5. Become an entrepreneur and design your own toy (Link to badge: Toy Business Designer)

Note: This event will be held in the Leroy H Smith School Library. This event is exclusively for Maine families with girls in preschool through 3rd grade who are seeking information on becoming Girl Scouts. This event is not for current Girl Scouts.

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