Health benefits of sitting on the floor

Health benefits of sitting on the floor

It’s well known that too much sitting (er, working at a desk) can have an impact on our bodies. Sitting all day can reduce muscle strength and is linked to health consequences like heart disease.

But is sitting always the same?

Some people claim that sitting on the floor is actually good for your health and should be done regularly – an idea that seems almost too good to be true.

Below, experts tell HuffPost the pros and cons of sitting on the floor—and why no single position is ideal.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor can be good for mobility and flexibility.

Most adults probably don’t sit cross-legged on the floor very often. But children who regularly sit and play on the floor may be on to something.

“I really believe that from a health perspective and a musculoskeletal perspective, this (sitting) cross-legged position really helps us improve the range of motion of the hip, lower back and knee,” said Dr. Christopher Bise, assistant professor in the department of physical therapy at the University of Pittsburgh. It also helps keep our lower body flexible, he said.

Dr. Jennifer O’Connell, a physiatrist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, added: “One of the problems with sitting in a chair is that the thigh muscles are often tight in this position – sitting cross-legged can provide some relief.”

But even if you can’t get down on the floor, you can still work on your mobility and flexibility.

“Remember, these positions don’t necessarily have to be on the floor. You can sit cross-legged on a couch or do different sitting positions on the couch that will also increase your range of motion,” Bise explained.

As you get older, it is important to have a good range of motion.

Maintaining your range of motion is important for many reasons – as you get older, you’ll be able to move around the house, run your errands, and play with your children and grandchildren.

“But I think as we get older, this is what happens: We become less flexible because we slow down – but we don’t have to be less flexible,” Bise said.

“And when you think about the treatment you’re going to receive from a physical therapist…one of the first things they’re going to do is assess both your joint mobility and your muscle flexibility for the muscles around your joints and see how they move,” Bise continued. “And if our bones, joints and muscles are inflexible, stiffer, we’re not going to move as well or as efficiently as we could.”

Moving from sitting on the floor to a chair and eventually to walking and exercising is a great way to stay mobile and flexible.

Additionally, the ability to actually get into a sitting position and get back up is important, Bise said. Older people are prone to falls, he said, but being able to get up from the ground and back down again can help them avoid falls in the future or get up on their own if necessary.

Sitting on the floor can be a great way to maintain your range of motion and flexibility.

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Sitting on the floor can be a great way to maintain your range of motion and flexibility.

Sitting on the floor can also train your core.

According to O’Connell, sitting on the floor engages your core muscles in ways that sitting in a chair simply doesn’t.

Without the back support of a chair, your core muscles are automatically activated, she said.

“And then just getting up from that position is beneficial for your entire body. You’re working your hips, your knees, your entire lower chain and your core to get up,” O’Connell explained.

But that doesn’t mean you should sit on the floor all the time.

You can try sitting on the floor for about 30 minutes, but you shouldn’t flop on the floor all day.

“There’s a reason your Apple Watch reminds you every 60 minutes to get up and move again… part of it has to do with posture, part of it is just simple movements and calories burned, but part of it also has to do with changing your posture,” Bise noted.

O’Connell said she regularly tells her patients who work in the office to get up and move around – whether it’s to get a glass of water or just move around the house.

“Before you know it, an hour or two has gone by without getting up and moving. And even though you didn’t really notice it because you were concentrating on the task at hand, your back noticed it,” O’Connell explained.

Sitting on the floor is not ideal for everyone.

“One reason sitting on the floor can be harmful is joint problems,” O’Connell said. “For example, I have a problem where I can’t open my hips properly, so it’s very difficult for me to sit on the floor in the traditional cross-legged position.”

Additionally, people recovering from certain surgeries or injuries may find it difficult to sit on the floor.

“As with anything … talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program,” O’Connell said. “But you can also consult a physical therapist who can show you strategies for getting up and sitting down from the floor.”

Although it is good to move your body into different postures and positions, you should not do so if it is not safe for you.

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