Oriental hornet poses serious threat to bees in Malaga « Euro Weekly News

Oriental hornet poses serious threat to bees in Malaga « Euro Weekly News

The Oriental hornet situation is getting out of control in the province of Malaga and the bees are suffering.

Sightings of the Vespa Orientalis are becoming more frequent every day, and residents of the province of Malaga are posting their photos on social media, asking what this creature is. Of the approximately 20 species of hornets in the world, most of which originate from Asia, the Oriental Hornet (not to be confused with the much more dangerous Asian Hornet) is an invasive species that is particularly problematic in the Malaga region.

The Oriental Hornet is a large wasp, about 2.5 to 3.5 cm long, with a reddish-brown color and two thick yellow stripes around its breastbone. Although its sting is unpleasant, it is not considered as dangerous to humans as its larger cousin, the Asian Hornet, but it is dangerous to bees.

Oriental hornets are a threat to bees, especially in Malaga

They are much more numerous in the summer because that is when they fly around in search of food for their larvae – bee meat – and that is why they infest hives. Once they are adults, they feed on pollen and are no longer such a problem.

At a meeting of the Farmers and Livestock Breeders Association in Seville earlier this year, beekeepers from Malaga asked for permission to set traps for the Oriental hornet. Their request fell on deaf ears. This is why, according to the beekeepers, the problem is much worse on the south coast than in the rest of Spain.

Tags: Province of Málaga, Oriental Hornets

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