Golden Retriever “understands the task” at the wedding

Golden Retriever “understands the task” at the wedding

There are probably some downsides to having a golden retriever at your wedding, but we can’t think of any right now. Especially after seeing this wedding photographer’s hilarious shots of one of these dogs goofing off during a couple’s first dance! Megan shared the most adorable clip from a client’s celebration on social media. Her dog Oslo stole the show, and no one was mad!

In the video, the couple was in the middle of a romantic slow dance when a four-legged guest entered the dance floor and enthusiastically began chasing his tail. Once he caught it in his mouth, he continued to spin until he finally fell to the floor. Instead of being upset that the golden retriever was overshadowing this special moment of their wedding, the bride and groom seemed delighted by his antics!

Check out this Golden Retriever’s unconventional dance moves.

“If your dog also understands the task for the first dance,” the photographer wrote about the pictures.

In her caption, she jokingly added: “Oslo was a paid actor.”

Commentators thought this golden retriever was the perfect wedding guest. They loved his epic dance moves, even though only the bride and groom were supposed to be on the dance floor.

“The only first dance interruption I will tolerate,” wrote one user.

Another pet owner added: “My dog ​​only chases his tail when people aren’t paying attention to him.”

Maybe poor Oslo felt a little left out during the first dance!

A golden retriever bites his own tail during a couple's first dance at their wedding.
Screenshot from TikTok

This wouldn’t be the first time a golden retriever has completely taken over the dance floor at its owner’s wedding. Another bride shared an adorable video of her dog getting in between her and her dad during the father-daughter dance!

Dogs probably don’t understand our human rituals, but they still want to be there. We love when couples make their pets a part of their wedding, especially for moments like these!

The source of the cover image of this story can be found here.

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