Woman falls from 27th floor while taking selfie and dies – News

Woman falls from 27th floor while taking selfie and dies – News

Woman falls from 27th floor while taking selfie and dies

New Delhi – Paramedics rushing to the scene of the accident declared the woman dead on the spot.

Published: Mon, 15 Oct 2018, 11:27

Last updated: Mon, 15 Oct 2018, 13:32

A woman fell 27 stories from a high-rise building while taking a selfie and died a tragic death in Panama City.
The 27-year-old woman was leaning on the railing of her balcony on the 27th floor of the Luxor Tower on October 13 to take a selfie, but lost her balance and fell. Daily Mail reported. The woman, identified on the scene as Sandra Manuela Da Costa Macedo, can be seen in the video falling from the balcony, recorded by a bystander who was presumably in another building.
The viewer filming the tragedy can be heard shouting: “She’s crazy, there she goes, look at her, look at her, she’s fallen.” Paramedics who rushed to the scene of the accident pronounced the woman dead on the spot.
According to local reports, the incident is under investigation, but police suspect that a gust of wind may have caused the woman to lose her balance and fall. Following the woman’s tragic death, the Panama Fire Department posted a warning on its official Twitter account, writing: “Do not risk your life for a selfie. It is more important to lose a minute in life than your life in a minute.”
The All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi found in a recent study that 259 people died while attempting to take a selfie between October 2011 and November 2017. The study, published in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, said over 72 percent of the deaths were men, while drowning was the leading cause of death while attempting to take a selfie.

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