Gasoline prices fell by about 8 cents in Iowa last week

Gasoline prices fell by about 8 cents in Iowa last week

Average gasoline prices in Iowa fell 7.7 cents per gallon last week.

According to a GasBuddy survey of 2,036 gas stations in Iowa, prices currently average $3.13 per gallon.

Prices in the state are 13.4 cents per gallon lower than a month ago and 46.1 cents per gallon lower than a year ago.

According to GasBuddy’s price reports, the cheapest gas station in Iowa yesterday cost $2.73/g, while the most expensive cost $3.69/g, a difference of 96.0 cents per gallon.

The national average price of gasoline fell 6.2 cents per gallon over the past week and is now averaging $3.30 per gram.

The national average price of diesel fell 3.2 cents last week to $3.67 per gallon, a multi-year low.

It seems fitting that the national average has fallen for four weeks in a row leading up to Labor Day to its lowest level since February, giving Americans one last chance to hit the road now that gasoline prices aren’t as big of a factor,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy. “GasBuddy is currently monitoring eight states where average gasoline prices are already below the $3 per gallon mark, and nearly 20% of gas stations in the country are selling gas for $2.99 ​​or less. Those numbers will look better week by week as we move into fall. GasBuddy’s Labor Day travel forecast, released tomorrow, will provide more good news about the millions of dollars Americans who travel by car will save compared to last year.

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