Cup Spy: August 23 – Day 2 of the Louis Vuitton Preliminary Regatta

Cup Spy: August 23 – Day 2 of the Louis Vuitton Preliminary Regatta

Cup Spy: August 23 – Day 2 of the Louis Vuitton Preliminary Regatta

by Richard Gladwell/ Aug 23 07:48 UTC
23 August 2024

Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli and Orient Express Racing – AC75 – Louis Vuitton Preliminary Round – Day 1 – Barcelona – 23 August 2024 © Ian Roman / America’s Cup

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Pantaenius 2022 - SAIL & POWER 1 MPU ROW

Welcome to Sail-World’s coverage of Day 2 of the Louis Vuitton Preliminary Regatta in Barcelona:

To watch the America’s Cup race when it starts at 12:00 UTC

Weather forecast:

The Predictwind America’s Cup Centre is forecasting another day of excellent conditions for the AC75 race.

This Friday 23rd will have light and variable winds in the morning. In the afternoon the wind will pick up from the south, with 8-12 knots expected on the race course. It will be sunny all day with temperatures reaching 28ºC on the water and 31ºC on land. This Saturday 24th is forecast to be another good day of racing with southerly winds of around 10 knots in the afternoon and sunshine and warm temperatures all day. *updated on the 22nd at 9pm Spanish time*

Points after Day 1 of the Louis Vuitton Preliminary Event – ​​Barcelona, ​​​​22 August 2024

Highlights from the first day

RS Sailing 2021 - MPU
PredictWind - GPS 300x250

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