Water district seeks input to set minimum flow rates and levels
The Southwest Florida Water Management District is seeking public input to determine priority for minimum flow rates and levels for lakes, wetlands, rivers, streams and aquifers, and to establish water reservoirs.
The district is required by law to review this schedule each year and revise it if necessary, the district said in a press release.
The district, which includes most of Polk County, will hold a virtual public meeting on August 29 at 5:30 p.m. Members of the public can attend the meeting through Microsoft Teams by registering at this link: https://bit.ly/MFLPriority. For optimal compatibility with Teams, using the Chrome browser is recommended.
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To join the meeting by phone only, dial 786-749-6127 and when prompted, enter the conference ID: 121-548-175#.
A minimum flow or level is the limit beyond which further withdrawals of water will cause significant harm to water resources or the environment. A water reservation defines a quantity of water that is exempt from the water use permitting process for fish and wildlife protection or public health and safety. The District Board of Directors establishes MFLs and reservations to achieve a balance between meeting water needs and preserving Florida’s natural systems.
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The adopted priority list and schedule for minimum flows and levels for 2023 are available on the district’s website. The draft 2024 list will be posted on the website following the August 27 Board meeting and presented for approval at the October 22 Board meeting.
Written comments on the draft priority list and schedule may be submitted to Gabe Herrick, senior environmental scientist, at [email protected] or to 2379 Broad Street, Brooksville, FL, 34604 no later than September 7.