New hardcore band in the spotlight: Last Laugh

New hardcore band in the spotlight: Last Laugh

Photo: Madyson Coburn

Band: Last Laugh
From: Long Island, New York

Its history:
(Charlie, guitar): “I had lymphoma and had to go through treatment. I started recording some riffs and eventually started jamming the songs with our original drummer Dylan Kelly (DK). Soon we recruited Jason (Jay Six) and Matt, we all agreed on a name and had our first gig with a practice video we posted on Instagram (shoutout Michael Smith @ Nothing Stronger Bookings).”

Their sound in their own words:
“Our sound is definitely hardcore with some crossovers. Charlie is heavily influenced by 25 ta Life, Cro-Mags, Everybody Gets Hurt and Terror Ave. Matt is influenced by Bad Brains, Circle Jerks and Black Flag.

(Jason, vocals): “Personally, I was influenced lyrically by Crown of Thornz, Biohazard, Death Threat, Killing Time, Madball and Merauder. We are everywhere (laughs).”

Current information on the release:
(Jason, vocals): “We put together a new 5-track EP earlier this year called Bite into the apple. All the songs are basically about life in today’s society. This band is basically about survival. We are excited to get that out into the world.”

Future plans:
“We were just on our first real tour with our friends from Private Mind. We recently Bite into the apple EP and we’re writing some new tracks. The goal is to just keep moving forward.”

What other bands from your region should we listen to?
“Check out Heads Will Roll, Private Mind, Stand Still, HEAVYHEX, Liberate, Ten Years Out, Comeuppance, High Reach and Opposition (BHC).”

Bite into the apple is available on CD via 51. State Records.

Last Laugh on social media: Instagram

Tagged with: last laugh

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